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For the Olive Tree Bible App

Start your Bible Study with Free resources for the Olive Tree Bible App.

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Freely Given

Freely Given

by Uncommen

Join us as we look at a few attributes that are Freely Given to us and should be given that way to others.… Read more…



by Uncommen

We have all been called to spread the Gospel. The question is, have you answered. With caller ID, voicemail, do not disturb and more, we can really hide quite well. Let’s take a look at some of the people God called in the Bible and how they responded. You may find you have something in common.… Read more…



by Uncommen

So often we overlook the armor of God during the everyday struggles. Join us as we take a look at the benefit of putting on that armor…Your Battle Awaits!… Read more…



by Uncommen

We reap what we sow. That may be the most sobering statement in the Bible as we tend to take the path of least resistance. Trying to parent, husband and lead from the couch rarely bears fruit. Join us as we dig deep into what good growth looks like in our walk.… Read more…

BibleProject Videothek

BibleProject Videothek

BibleProject – Deutsch ist eine gemeinnützige, durch Spenden finanzierte Organisation, die kostenlose Bibelvideos, Blogs, und weiteres Begleitmaterial produziert, um die biblische Geschichte für jeden überall zugänglich zu machen. Von der ersten Seite bis zum letzten Wort glauben wir, dass die Bibel eine einheitliche Geschichte ist, … Read more…

BibleProject Videoteca

BibleProject Videoteca

BibleProject es una organización sin fines de lucro, financiada mediante la colaboración colectiva, que produce, de manera 100% gratuita, videos bíblicos, pódcast, blogs, clases y recursos bíblicos educativos para ayudar a que la historia bíblica sea accesible para todos en todas partes. Desde la primera página hasta la última pala… Read more…

Escape Room

Escape Room

by Uncommen

Most have heard of an Escape Room and so over the next five days, we are going to use that as a God -sized analogy and use the tomb of Jesus as the ultimate escape room. Join us as we watch our Savior do what only He could and overcome death.… Read more…

Start At the Finish

Start At the Finish

by Uncommen

Utilizing the theme of running a race, and knowing where we want to be, this devotional will use God’s word, which is full of wisdom, examples, and direction from the ultimate race organizer, to see how best to run and win.… Read more…

Свята Біблія: Сучасною мовою (Ukrainian Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Translation)

Свята Біблія: Сучасною мовою (Ukrainian Holy Bible: Easy-to-Read Translation)

God did not intend for His Word to be difficult. But the Good News is hard to understand for many of the people Bible League serves. They are among the poorest and least educated in the world, often living in remote villages or under‐developed urban centers. Many have never known or even heard of Jesus Christ. These are the people who need the hope of the … Read more…

A Distorted View

A Distorted View

We take mirrors for granted these days as they are so commonplace in our everyday lives. But original mirrors were not the reflective glass we are used to today but rather polished stone, gold, or even brass. These tended to be murky, distorted surfaces that didn't do a very good job of reflecting the true self. How do we see ourselves? Blurred? Too Clos… Read more…

Most Stressful Time of the Year

Most Stressful Time of the Year

by Uncommen

Christmas should be filled with joyous occasions celebrating the birth of our Savior and building memories with family and friends. But for some it can be the most stressful time of the year. Whether it’s about family, past memories, loneliness, money, health or more. So join us as we take a look at what we focus on and how we can turn our eyes back to Jes… Read more…



by Uncommen

Rengage: Even though it may not seem like it as we are trying to find our way in a pre/mid/post covid world, but we are STILL ON MISSION. The Great Commission that is. Our families, friends, work, church and our faith needs us to reengage. We may be the only Jesus they see.… Read more…

(Number of titles: 207)