Theology - Olive Tree Bible Software

Study Through the Summer!


For the Olive Tree Bible App

Augustine: On Christian Doctrine and Selected Introductory Works

Augustine: On Christian Doctrine and Selected Introductory Works

by Timothy George

The Theological Foundations series highlights the enduring influence of prominent figures from church history. This volume features four works by Augustine of Hippo, along with an introduction by series editor Timothy George that explores Augustine’s intellectual and pastoral impact today. Scholars, pastors, and students alike may take up, read, and l… Read more…

What Fuels the Mission of the Church?

What Fuels the Mission of the Church?

by Michael Reeves and Daniel Hames

How the Church's Mission and Knowledge of God Are Intertwined Many Christians know they should be passionate about evangelism, but in reality they often find it daunting. In this concise version of … Read more…

God Shines Forth: How the Nature of God Shapes and Drives the Mission of the Church

God Shines Forth: How the Nature of God Shapes and Drives the Mission of the Church

by Michael Reeves and Daniel Hames

Why Missions and Evangelism Are an Overflow of Delighting in God  Evangelism and missions are parts of the Christian life often accompanied by fears, insecurities, and cultural pressures. In this addition to the Union series, Daniel Hames and Michael Reeve… Read more…

Pentecostal Orthodoxy: Toward an Ecumenism of the Spirit

Pentecostal Orthodoxy: Toward an Ecumenism of the Spirit

by Emilio Alvarez

“Can anything orthodox come from Pentecostalism?”This recasting of Nathaniel's familiar question from the Gospel is a fair summary of many modern Christians' assessment of the Pentecostal tradition. Yet in recent years, a growing number of Pentecostals have been turning afresh to the ancient, creedal Christian faith.Bishop Emilio Alvarez has hims… Read more…

Fruitful Theology: How the Life of the Mind Leads to the Life of the Soul

Fruitful Theology: How the Life of the Mind Leads to the Life of the Soul

by Ronni Kurtz

Why do the theologians rage?   Even a cursory scrolling of social media may lead you to the conclusion that you have to be angry to do theology. Sadly, our day is characterized by theological fighting—complete with harsh words, exaggeration, biting sarcasm, and the spirit of tearing down our brothers and sisters in Christ. But it does not hav… Read more…

Characters of Creation: The Men, Women, Creatures, and Serpent Present at the Beginning of the World

Characters of Creation: The Men, Women, Creatures, and Serpent Present at the Beginning of the World

by Daniel Darling

Narrated by Tim Mullins

Most Christians are familiar with the opening words of Genesis: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” But push beyond those iconic words, and sometimes the details get a little hazy. And strange. God walked around in a garden? Eve was made from Adam’s rib? A talking serpent? And what the in the world were the “N… Read more…

Foretaste of the Future: Reading Revelation in Light of God's Mission

Foretaste of the Future: Reading Revelation in Light of God's Mission

by Dean Flemming

For many Christians, the book of Revelation inspires confusion and fear. It's seen as a coded screenplay for the end times, or it's just too strange to understand. The problem, Dean Flemming contends, is that when we read Revelation as focused on the future, we miss what it says about what God is doing in the world now.Revelation is one of the riches… Read more…

Mapping Atonement: The Doctrine of Reconciliation in Christian History and Theology

Mapping Atonement: The Doctrine of Reconciliation in Christian History and Theology

by Joel Scandrett and William G Witt

This introduction traces the origins, development, and divergent streams of atonement theology throughout the Christian tradition and proposes key criteria by which we can assess their value. The authors introduce essential biblical terms, texts, and concepts of atonement; identify significant historical figures, texts, and topics; and show how various atone… Read more…

Across the Spectrum: Understanding Issues in Evangelical Theology

Across the Spectrum: Understanding Issues in Evangelical Theology

by Gregory A. Boyd and Paul Rhodes Eddy

This accessible yet comprehensive primer helps readers understand the breadth of viewpoints on major issues in evangelical theology, with chapters using the popular multiple-views format. This third edition of a well-received textbook (over 60,000 copies sold) has been updated and revised throughout. It examines positions taken by evangelical scholars on sev… Read more…

The Home of God (Theology for the Life of the World): A Brief Story of Everything

The Home of God (Theology for the Life of the World): A Brief Story of Everything

by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz

We live in the midst of a crisis of home. It is evident in the massive uprooting and migration of millions across the globe, in the anxious nationalism awaiting immigrants in their destinations, in the unhoused populations in wealthy cities, in the fractured households of families, and in the worldwide destruction of habitats and international struggles for … Read more…

Calvinism: A Biblical and Theological Critique

Calvinism: A Biblical and Theological Critique

by David L. Allen and Steve W Lemke

Calvinism raises serious concerns about the growth of a popularized Reformed theology. Through a wide lens of denominational and theological perspectives, this volume carefully examines the theological tradition known today as "Calvinism," particularly its doctrine of salvation. Editors David L. Allen and Steve W. Lemke lead a team of top contributors o… Read more…

Biblical Reasoning: Christological and Trinitarian Rules for Exegesis

Biblical Reasoning: Christological and Trinitarian Rules for Exegesis

by R B Jamieson and Tyler R Wittman

The Gospel Coalition 2022 Book Award Winner (Academic Theology)Southwestern Journal of Theology 2022 Book of the Year Award (Honorable Mention, Hermeneutics/Bible Reference/Biblical Backgrounds)Two experts in exegesis and dogmatics show how Christology and the doctrine of the Trinity are grounded in Scripture and how knowledge of these topics is critical for… Read more…

(Number of titles: 1635)