The United Bible Societies' New Testament Handbook Series is a comprehensive verse-by-verse guide to understanding exactly what is being communicated by the author in the original Scriptures. The Handbooks are detailed commentaries providing exegetical, historical, cultural, and linguistic information on the books of the Bible. They are prepared primarily to assist Bible translators. The series has been instrumental in shedding light on the Scriptures so that translators all over the world could complete the important task of putting God's Word into the many languages spoken in the world today.
Over the years, church leaders and Bible readers have found the UBS Handbooks to be useful for their own study, since many of the issues Bible translators must address when trying to communicate the Bible's message to modern readers are the ones Bible students must address when approaching the Bible text as a part of their own private study and devotions.
The UBS New Testament Handbook Series covers the following books of the New Testament:
- The Gospel of Matthew - B.M Newman and P.C. Stine
- The Gospel of Mark - R.G. Bratcher and E.A. Nida
- The Gospel of Luke - J. Reiling and J.L. Swellengebel
- The Gospel of John - B.M Newman and E.A. Nida
- Acts of the Apostles - B.M. Newman and E.A. Nida
- Paul's Letter to the Romans - B.M. Newman and E.A. Nida
- Paul's First Letter to the Corinthians - P. Ellingsworth and H.A. Hatton
- Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians - R.L.Omanson and J. Ellington
- Paul's Letter to the Galatians - D.C. Arichea and E.A. Nida
- Paul's Letter to the Ephesians - R.G. Bratcher and E.A Nida
- Paul's Letter to the Philippians - I-J. Loh ad E.A. Nida
- Paul's Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon - R.G. Bratcher and E.A. Nida
- Paul's Letters to the Thessalonians - P.Ellinsgworth and E.A. Nida
- Paul's Letters to Timothy and to Titus - D.C. Arichea and H.A Hatton
- Letter from James - I-J. Loh and H.A. Hatton
- Letter to the Hebrews - P. Ellingsworth and E.A. Nida
- First Letter from Peter - D.C. Arichea and E.A Nida
- Letters of John - C.Haas, M. de Jonge, and J.L. Swellengrebel
- Letter from Jude and the Second Letter from Peter - D.C. Arichea and H.A.Hatton
- The Revelation to John - R.G. Bratcher and H.A. Hatton