Resources by C.S. Lewis - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Resources by C.S. Lewis

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Mere Christianity

Mere Christianity

by C.S. Lewis

One of the most popular and beloved introductions to the concept of faith ever written, Mere Christianity has sold millions of copies worldwide. The book brings together C. S. Lewis's legendary radio broadcasts during the war years, in which he set out simply to "explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christia… Read more…

A Year with Aslan

A Year with Aslan

by C.S. Lewis

For more than fifty years, the world C. S. Lewis created in Narnia has captured our hearts and imaginations. Both children and adults have discovered that rereading the books leads to entirely new experiences and insights. In the midst of these breathtaking stories of adventure, betrayal, and discovery in a magical land are profound messages about the true m… Read more…

A Year with C.S. Lewis

A Year with C.S. Lewis

by C.S. Lewis

Beloved author C. S. Lewis is our trusted guide in this intimate day-by-day companion offering his distinctive and celebrated wisdom. Amidst the bustle of our daily experience, A Year with C. S. Lewis provides the necessary respite and inspiration to meet the many challenges we face in our lives. Ruminating on such themes as the nature of love, the existence… Read more…

The Screwtape Letters

The Screwtape Letters

by C.S. Lewis

A milestone in the history of popular theology, The Screwtape Letters is an iconic classic on spiritual warfare and the dynamics of temptation. This profound and striking narrative takes the form of a series of letters from Screwtape, a devil high in the Infernal Civil Service, to his nephew Wormwood, a junior colleague engaged in his firs… Read more…



by C.S. Lewis

"The central miracle asserted by Christians is the Incarnation. They say that God became Man. Every other miracle prepares the way for this, or results from this." This is the key statement of Miracles, in which C. S. Lewis shows that a Christian must not only accept but rejoice in miracles as a testimony of the unique personal involvement… Read more…

Yours, Jack

Yours, Jack

by C.S. Lewis

C. S. Lewis spent a good portion of each day corresponding with people via handwritten letters. Over his lifetime he wrote thousands of letters in which he offered his friends and acquaintances advice on the Christian life, giving away a bit of himself to each of these correspondents as he signed his notes with a heartfelt and familiar, "yours, Jack." Most o… Read more…

George MacDonald: An Anthology 365 Readings

George MacDonald: An Anthology 365 Readings

by C.S. Lewis

George MacDonald (1824-1905) was born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Briefly a clergyman, then a professor of English literature at Bedford and King's College in London, he was a popular lecturer and published poetry, stories, novels, and fairy tales. In George MacDonald: An Anthology 365 Readings, a collection selected by C. S. Lewis, we are offered 365 se… Read more…

The Abolition of Man

The Abolition of Man

by C.S. Lewis

Both astonishing and prophetic, The Abolition of Man remains one of C. S. Lewis's most controversial works. Lewis sets out to persuade his audience of the ongoing importance and relevance of universal objective values, such as courage and honor, and the foundational necessity of natural law. He also makes a cogent case that a retreat from these pillars o… Read more…

The Weight of Glory: And Other Addresses

The Weight of Glory: And Other Addresses

by C.S. Lewis

The Weight of Glory features nine memorable addresses C. S. Lewis delivered during World War II. Considered by many to be his most moving address, the title essay, "The Weight of Glory," extols a compassionate vision of Christianity and includes lucid and compelling discussions on forgiveness and faith. "On Forgiveness," "The Inner Ring," and the other much-… Read more…

The Great Divorce

The Great Divorce

by C.S. Lewis

C. S. Lewis's dazzling allegory about Heaven and Hell—and the chasm fixed between them—is one of his most brilliantly imaginative tales, where we discover that the gates of Hell are locked from the inside. In a dream, the narrator boards a bus on a drizzly afternoon in Hell and embarks on an incredible voyage to Heaven. Anyone in H… Read more…

A Grief Observed

A Grief Observed

by C.S. Lewis

Written with love, humility, and faith, this brief but poignant volume was first published in 1961 and concerns the death of C. S. Lewis's wife, the American-born poet Joy Davidman. In her introduction to this new edition, Madeleine L'Engle writes: "I am grateful to Lewis for having the courage to yell, to doubt, to kick at God in angry violence. Thi… Read more…

The Problem of Pain

The Problem of Pain

by C.S. Lewis

For centuries people have been tormented by one question above all: If God is good and all-powerful, why does he allow his creatures to suffer pain? And what of the suffering of animals, who neither deserve pain nor can be improved by it? The greatest Christian thinker of our time sets out to disentangle this knotty issue. With his signatu… Read more…