Breaking the Bonds of Fear - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Breaking the Bonds of Fear

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Breaking the Bonds of Fear
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Breaking the Bonds of Fear

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Breaking the Bonds of Fear
Publisher: Rose Publishing
Author: Joni Eareckson Tada


Is fear causing you to lose sleep, stress out, or worry? Joni Eareckson Tada sheds light on the bondage of fear in her BRAND NEW pamphlet. Breaking the Bonds of Fear is about an unhealthy fear of man that a lot of Christians live their whole lives with. Joni explains that our aim is to decrease our sinful fear of man, and increase our reverent fear of the Lord. We can develop a fear of the Lord by trusting in Him and reading the Bible.

There might be times in your life where you're not sure if God really cares about your circumstances or realizes the state you're in, but taking a look at specific stories in the Bible will help you see God's bigger picture. God wants you to trust in him, and when you read this pamphlet, you will clearly see how much God cares for you.

Joni also talks about the fear that was generated from her tragic diving accident, and the steps that were taken to grow confidence in the Lord after her tragic accident that left her quadriplegic. Even death is not something to fear, when our trust rests in the only one who conquered death! Let Jesus be the ballast of your ship, for it is only then that you will find peace and restoration from fear.

ISBN: 9781596366022

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