Meditations on the Trinity: Beauty, Mystery, and Glory in the Life of God - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Meditations on the Trinity: Beauty, Mystery, and Glory in the Life of God

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Meditations on the Trinity: Beauty, Mystery, and Glory in the Life of God
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Meditations on the Trinity: Beauty, Mystery, and Glory in the Life of God

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Meditations on the Trinity: Beauty, Mystery, and Glory in the Life of God
Publisher: Moody Publishers
Author: A. W. Tozer


From one of the 20th century's most beloved spiritual writers

A. W. Tozer is known for many things. He's known for his powerful writing style. He's known for being vigorously biblical. And he’s known for gazing upon God intently in Word and prayer, and then telling readers plainly what he sees.

All of these aspects of Tozer shine through in Meditations on the Trinity. Divided into four parts—one for each person of the Trinity, and one for the Godhead three-in-one—this volume compiles excerpts from Tozer's writings into a collection of daily readings to help you grow in you understanding of a central Christian doctrine.

No one can over-contemplate the Trinity. It is an inexhaustible mystery, and one that rewards sustained reflection. Readers of Meditations on the Trinity will receive a more accurate view of who God is, and in turn offer Him truer worship. We exist to know and praise God, and this book will help readers do just that.

ISBN: 9781600669026

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