Why did it please God that His Son was brutalized? Why does a loving God allow us to hurt so deeply? What made Jesus' death any different from thousands who died just as He did?
Darkness covered the earth that day. The sun fled. From noon until three, the darkness of death hovered over the hill where the Son of God was dying. As Christians, we know the story well?the nails in His hands, the thorns on His head, the gambling soldiers, the taunting thieves.
Charles Swindoll invites us to "return with me to those epochal days when our Lord walked into the awful darkness?which He did not deserve?only to arise into the sunlit dawn of triumph, providing us a victory from which we shall never know defeat." Go with him and you will find that, as only he can, Dr. Swindoll uncovers new meaning in the Cross and the Resurrection for those who face death and darkness today. His fresh perspectives on these core events of faith can help you see beyond the darkness to the new light of dawn.