This complete, three-volume set includes Names of God, Names of Christ, and Names of Holy Spirit.
In Names of God, Nathan J. Stone writes, “Indeed we cannot say all that the mysterious word God means to us until we know more about Him.” God’s many names reveal not only different dimensions of His character but also point to their fulfillment in the Person and work of Jesus Christ. This insightful little book accurately and clearly works through the many names of God throughout the Old Testament. We can now see God in new lights and angles as we learn of His justice, His unbounded love, His preeminence, and His character--all through His names.
In Names of Christ, more than 300 names of Christ are examined in all, each revealing an intimate portrait of the Savior. In this new edition, devotional prayers accompany each name, helping you meditate on the character and person of Jesus Christ. This book is an invaluable resource to any library and is sure to enrich your personal devotional time.
In Names of the Holy Spirit, the author examines the Holy Spirit's ministry throughout Scripture as revealed in the names the Bible gives Him. Knowledge of Him will help you understand:
- His power
- His indwelling
- His anointing
- His intercession
- His gifts
- Fruit produced in believers