"All too often students of Bible survey read what others say is contained in a certain book of the Bible and fail to spend time reading the Bible text for themselves. This book has been written to start the reader on paths of study in each Old Testament book, to search and discover for himself the great themes of those books."
From the preface to Jensen's Survey of the Old Testament
Jensen's Survey of the Old Testament is designed to aid the user to search and discover the great themes of each Old Testament book, providing outlines to aid the reader's own personal study. In addition, many charts display the structural organization of the books to aid in understanding not only what God said, but how he said it.
The opening pages of each chapter include a section for preparation for study, and then continue on to provide background information, a survey, a discussion of prominent subjects, suggestions on key words and verses, questions for application, suggestions for further study, cited books for further selected reading, and a survey chart.
This book is designed to lead the reader into a time of person reflection as he considers the practical applications of the Old Testament book surveyed.