How to Inherit the Earth: Submitting Ourselves to a Servant Savior - Olive Tree Bible Software

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How to Inherit the Earth: Submitting Ourselves to a Servant Savior

For the Olive Tree Bible App

How to Inherit the Earth: Submitting Ourselves to a Servant Savior
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How to Inherit the Earth: Submitting Ourselves to a Servant Savior

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: How to Inherit the Earth: Submitting Ourselves to a Servant Savior
Publisher: IVP
Author: Scott A. Bessenecker


Ambition isn't bad; it just does bad things.In a culture that too often prizes leadership uncritically and unreflectively, a faith that calls us to take up crosses, lay down lives and otherwise submit ourselves to something outside ourselves simply sounds like a bad idea. Nevertheless, this is the faith that we find Jesus talking about.Scott Bessenecker has learned from new friar communities, from the history of Christianity and from the mouth of Jesus that there's something wonderfully subversive about saying no to ourselves every now and then, something that could even change the world.

ISBN: 9780830878482

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