The deepest truths of the Bible accessible in a way that can be seen, understood, and experienced like never before, combining graphics and text to teach the nature and contents of the Bible in a fresh and exciting way.
For a beautiful, approachable, informative presentation of the concepts and principles of Scripture — turn to any page of A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible and be instantly immersed in the visuals and teachings of God's Word.
A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible is not only a wonderful introduction to the Christian life, it is a functioning guide for understanding and living out your faith.
You'll see how the Bible is put together, why the authors wrote each book, and what all of it means for your life today. What's more, you'll learn why the Bible can be trusted and how to answer common criticisms of the Bible.
Used in conjunction with Tim Challies and Josh Byers' bestselling book, Visual Theology (available for separate purchase), this unique resource helps you connect the truth of the Bible to your life, showing how God’s eternal truth leads to life change and transformation.
A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible:
- Is written by authors Tim Challies and Josh Byers, each of whom have a deep desire to convey the deepest truths of the Bible in a fresh, beautiful, and informative way
- Includes key terms, group study discussion questions, and exercises for deeper, more personal reflection on God's Word
- Is a companion to Visual Theology and expands on the timeless, historic, biblical truths presented in that bestselling book
- Will help you grow in godliness by practicing what you learn
- Is perfect for new believers, long-time Christians, students, small groups, pastors, church leaders, and anyone else interested in sound systematic theology
“This wonderful little book will help you get your mind around the entirety of the Bible (and its impact on human history) through easy-to-access, while theologically-reliable, pictures and infographics. Whether you are Bible beginner or a seasoned teacher, you’ll find this book helpful in placing each story in the context of the larger one. The Bible is truly an amazing, God-inspired book, and A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible puts its wonder on full display!" — J.D. Greear, pastor of The Summit Church in Durham, North Carolina“A Visual Theology Guide to the Bible is, literally, a sight for sore eyes. It converts dozens of vital concepts about Scripture into visual images that make learning just plain fun. Flip through the pages and you’ll be hooked. Challies and Byers have turned looking into learning. Brilliant.” — Gregory Koukl, president of Stand to Reason; author of Tactics and The Story of Reality
“This book is a must-have resource for anyone who teaches the Bible. Not only does it have great graphics to illustrate the storyline and teachings of Scripture, but the text of the book, the summaries and explanations, are an invaluable asset for your teaching arsenal. I know I'll be using it as I as a parent to talk about the Bible with my children and as professor as I lecture on theology to college students. Yes, that's a wide range, but this little book is just that good.” — Dan DeWitt, Associate Professor of Apologetics & Applied Theology, Cedarville University
Tim Challies is a pastor, noted speaker, and author of numerous articles and a pioneer in the Christian blogosphere. More than thirty thousand people visit Challies.com each day, making it one of the most widely read and recognized Christian blogs in the world. Tim is the author of several books, including Visual Theology and The Next Story. He and his family reside near Toronto, Ontario.
Josh Byers is a communications pastor, artist, speaker, husband, and father who resides in Iowa. Josh is an idea maker and creative visionary. His work has been featured in a wide variety of outlets from the Gospel Coalition to the Tonight Show. He writes and publishes graphics regularly at joshbyers.com.