52 Little Parables From Ireland - Olive Tree Bible Software

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52 Little Parables From Ireland

For the Olive Tree Bible App

52 Little Parables From Ireland

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52 Little Parables From Ireland

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: 52 Little Parables From Ireland
Publisher: Creation House
Author: Sally Kennedy


An exciting new devotional concept...52 Little Parables from Ireland, by Sally Ireland Kennedy, is a unique weekly devotional with practical messages that will stir any reader to recognize and enjoy God's presence, plan and purpose in day-to-day living. The world has become too self-engrossed to notice the heather growing on the hillsides or to realize how quiet it really is when the electricity goes out. Sally Kennedy has written fifty-two delightful little parables that are excellent fire starters. Each weekly study includes a scripture passage, a down-to-earth message and a prayer to draw you back to your first love-Jesus Christ! This is a book about uncomplicating your life and learning to be content in your relationship with God."Like the ancient Celtic Christians by whom she is influenced, Sally takes scenes from everyday life, relationships and the world of nature, uncovering eternal truths hidden therein. Her devotional journalings will inspire you to discover similar treasures in your own daily life." These words of Dwight Liles, Dove Award winner and songwriter, make it quite clear that this is a spiritual treasure and a truly enjoyable way to spend some one-on-one quality time with the Lord.52 Little Parables from Ireland will help you start every week of the year with a positive, upbeat attitude. Read the inspirational message once a week or read it everyday and obtain new insights! The lovely photographs of the Emerald Isle make this devotional an ideal gift for everyone. About the author: Sally Ireland Kennedy is a songwriter, author and director/producer of Poppy the Penguin, a children's music video series. With a Bachelor of Arts degree in education from the University of Florida, she has taught elementary school, chaired VBS, led Bible studies, and served as a member of her church council. She and her husband, Ben, make their home in South Florida. They have three children and eight grandchildren.

ISBN: 9781616387402

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