Forbearance: A Theological Ethic for a Disagreeable Church - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Forbearance: A Theological Ethic for a Disagreeable Church

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Forbearance: A Theological Ethic for a Disagreeable Church
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Forbearance: A Theological Ethic for a Disagreeable Church

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Forbearance: A Theological Ethic for a Disagreeable Church
Publisher: Eerdmans
Author: James Calvin Davis


Offers a faithful, constructive way to deal with dissent

What happens when we approach disagreement not as a problem to solve but as an opportunity to practice Christian virtue?

In this book James Calvin Davis reclaims the biblical concept of forbearance to develop a theological ethic for faithful disagreement. Pointing to Ephesians and Colossians, in which Paul challenged his readers to "bear with each other" in spite of differences, Davis draws out a theologically grounded practice in which Christians work hard to maintain unity while still taking seriously matters on which they disagree.

The practice of forbearance, Davis argues, offers Christians a dignified, graceful, and constructive way to deal with conflict. Forbearance can also strengthen the church's public witness, offering an antidote to the pervasive divisiveness present in contemporary culture.

ISBN: 9781467448352

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