A special collection of Spurgeon's sermons focusing on the words and works of Paul, the great apostle of the early church.
The Apostle Paul's impact on the early church and the Bible was immeasurable, so it is no surprise that a good portion of Spurgeon's sermons were centered around Paul's life and teaching. In a traditional 63-volume collection of Spurgeon's sermons, narrowing your focus specifically to his Pauline work would be difficult and time-consuming. This Olive Tree special edition has done all the work for you!
Experience Spurgeon's eloquent yet direct style of teaching in two accessible ways:
- Open the resource in your main app window and start reading as the sermons are presented to you in scriptural order. Use the verse chooser to navigate around the resource.
- Open your Bible in the main app window to whatever Scripture passage you are interested in and access the related individual works as they appear in the Resource Guide's Sermon section.
Either method presents the sermons in scriptural order, regardless of the original date or location where it was preached or the sermon volume in which it appears. Your result is a cohesive experience of Spurgeon's teaching on Paul, no matter when it falls in the date spectrum of the original sermons.
Covered in this resource are Spurgeon's sermons based on Paul in Acts, Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Philemon and the pastoral epistles of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus.
The material in this product is also contained within the following additional Spurgeon collections offered by Olive Tree:
The Olive Tree Charles Haddon Spurgeon Collection (103 Vols.)
Spurgeon's Sermons, The Complete Set (63 Vols.)
Charles Spurgeon (1834 - 1892) was known as the Prince of Preachers for good reason, as his popularity has persisted through the passage of decades and the turn of two centuries. At the young age of 19 he pastored his first church, and a mere three years later it was not uncommon for him to preach to crowds of over 10,000. His eloquence and ability to speak directly to human hearts about the Lord Jesus Christ drew the people of his generation in the thousands and continues to impact the church today.
A prolific preacher, his sermons were recorded by stenographers and published almost immediately. As a result, a large volume of his work, including nearly 3,600 sermons, survives to this day.