Transforming Worldviews: An Anthropological Understanding of How People Change - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Transforming Worldviews: An Anthropological Understanding of How People Change

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Transforming Worldviews: An Anthropological Understanding of How People Change
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Transforming Worldviews: An Anthropological Understanding of How People Change

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Transforming Worldviews: An Anthropological Understanding of How People Change
Publisher: Baker Academic
Author: Paul G. Hiebert


In the past, changes in behavior and in belief have been leading indicators for missionaries that Christian conversion had occurred. But these alone--or even together--are insufficient for a gospel understanding of conversion. For effective biblical mission, Paul G. Hiebert argues, we must add a third element: a change in worldview. Here he offers a comprehensive study of worldview--its philosophy, its history, its characteristics, and the means for understanding it. He then provides a detailed analysis of several worldviews that missionaries must engage today, addressing the impact of each on Christianity and mission. A biblical worldview is outlined for comparison. Finally, Hiebert argues for gospel ministry that seeks to transform people's worldviews and offers suggestions for how to do so.
ISBN: 9781441200983

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