Truth, Theology, and Perspective: An Approach to Understanding Biblical Doctrine - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Truth, Theology, and Perspective: An Approach to Understanding Biblical Doctrine

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Truth, Theology, and Perspective: An Approach to Understanding Biblical Doctrine
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Truth, Theology, and Perspective: An Approach to Understanding Biblical Doctrine

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Truth, Theology, and Perspective: An Approach to Understanding Biblical Doctrine
Publisher: Crossway
Author: Vern S. Poythress


Study Systematic Theology through the Lens of Truth  There are many themes that flow through and unite the entirety of Scripture, and in his latest ebook, scholar Vern S. Poythress explores the relationship between God and truth.  In Truth, Theology, and Perspective, Poythress explains how truth informs and confirms what the Bible teaches. In addition to a theology of objective truth, he explains how it is interwoven through each of the major topics in systematic theology, such as revelation, the Bible, man, Christ, salvation, and eschatology. This perspective highlights how the interconnectedness and harmony of Scripture is an extension of God's own truthfulness and how this attribute is manifested in all of creation, prompting us to greater worship and gratitude to God. For Those Interested in Systematic Theology: Particularly college students, seminarians, and pastors  Written by Vern S. Poythress: Author of many works on biblical interpretation, science, and history including  In the Beginning Was the Word;  Redeeming Science; and  Inerrancy and Worldview New Perspective: Major topics in systematic theology studied through the lens of truth
ISBN: 9781433580277

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