The South Asia Bible Commentary (SABC) is a one-volume commentary written by South Asian scholars for South Asian readers in India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan and the Maldives. It is relevant to the religious and social cultures of South Asia – both in the way the text is applied to Asian life and culture and in the many additional articles addressing Asian issues from a biblical perspective.
Faithful to Scripture, this commentary is strong in the conviction that the Bible is the Word of God. It explains the Bible text in clear and simple language that can be readily understood. It seeks to equip Christian leaders at the grassroots level – pastor, students and lay leaders – who can be instrumental in the establishment and nurture of a vibrant church in South Asia under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
This commentary features an introduction to each book of the Bible that outlines the theological emphasis of that book, its relevance to the South Asian context, and its major themes. Versified commentary runs throughout, relating the meaning of the text to its original context and to its wider application to contemporary life and ministry. Additionally, various articles throughout the text relate to the economic, social and religious context of Scripture.