Practical Wisdom for Pastors: Words of Encouragement and Counsel for a Lifetime of Ministry - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Practical Wisdom for Pastors: Words of Encouragement and Counsel for a Lifetime of Ministry

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Practical Wisdom for Pastors: Words of Encouragement and Counsel for a Lifetime of Ministry
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Practical Wisdom for Pastors: Words of Encouragement and Counsel for a Lifetime of Ministry

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Practical Wisdom for Pastors: Words of Encouragement and Counsel for a Lifetime of Ministry
Publisher: Crossway
Author: John MacArthur and Curtis C Thomas


As a pastor your job is filled with blessings and satisfaction, as well as unique challenges and pitfalls. Here a ministry veteran covers virtually all of those areas with a wealth of practical insight culled from 44 years in the pastorate. Blending his deep love of the Word and commitment to biblical ministry, Curtis Thomas offers a rich source of help and encouragement that will enthuse and benefit you whether you've pastored for five years or 50.
ISBN: 9781433519277

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