Present Labor and Future Rewards - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Present Labor and Future Rewards

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Present Labor and Future Rewards

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Present Labor and Future Rewards

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Present Labor and Future Rewards
Publisher: Epp, Herbert
Author: Theodore H. Epp


Here is a book that fills a great need in Christian literature, covering as it does the main branches of truth relating to the Christian and his rewards. Careful distinctions are made between truths that often puzzle Christians in their study of this great theme, such as the differences between salvation and rewards. In addition, the questions most asked concerning the believer’s present life, his sins, service, and the chastening of God as these all relate to rewards, are very thoroughly examined and answered.

Information and exhortation, food both for the mind and heart, make this a balanced Biblical presentation. It will challenge and encourage Christians to labor on and spend and be spent for Christ.

These chapters are gathered from a series of radio messages given over the international network of the Back to the Bible Broadcast.

The Table of Contents is the following:

  • Basic Considerations
  • The Judgment Seat of Christ
  • God Chastens Believers for Present Sins
  • Reasons for the Judgment Seat of Christ
  • Evaluation of the Building Materials
  • The Five Crowns

From Chapter 1:

A much neglected study in our day is the judgment of the believer for his works. The neglect is not due to the obscurity of this theme in Scripture, for there is an abundance of information on it. An outstanding passage dealing with this vital mater is II Corinthians 5:9, 10: "Wherefore we labour, that whether present or absent, we may be accepted of him." The emphasis here is upon labor or work; it is very essential that we grasp this fact clearly. The passage continues: "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad." Here the fact of the Judgment Seat of Christ is stated, and again the subject of labor or work is mentioned.

A parallel section is Romans 14:10-12: "But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set a nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ….So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God." Labor and judgment---these are the two main subjects in these passages, but the question now arises, what judgment is this?

A great deal of confusion can immediately be eliminated if we will recognize that the Bible does not teach one great general judgment for everyone. God makes very clear distinctions between various judgments of which the believer's judgment for his works is one.

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