In this fresh and expansive work, Ellen Davis offers a comprehensive interpretation of the prophetic role and word in the Christian scriptures. Davis carefully outlines five essential features of the prophetic role and then systematically examines seven representations of prophets and prophecies.
Thoroughly theological, Davis's volume provides both instruction and insight for understanding prophecy in Christian tradition and discipleship. This volume concludes with a rich discussion of practical matters, including the relationship between Christian discipleship and prophetic interpretation and the role of biblical prophecy in interfaith contexts.
"Ellen Davis is exactly the right scholar for this topic at this moment in our interpretive work. She combines an acute critical sensibility with a keen commitment to the practice of the church in contemporary society. This book will greatly enliven our interpretive conversation as she leads us to fresh thinking in many directions." — Walter Brueggemann, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor Emeritus of Old Testament, Columbia Theological Seminary
"Ellen Davis combines a mastery of modern biblical scholarship with an appreciative use of classic Jewish understandings and the interests of a thoughtful contemporary Christian before the biblical text. The result is an immensely readable account of prophecy, which is both intellectually and spiritually enlarging." — Walter Moberly, Professor of Theology and Biblical Interpretation, Durham University
"Ellen Davis's engaging study more than fills the gap between biblical prophecy and theological inquiry. Her wide-ranging treatment is rich and relevant, bringing the ancient prophetic characters of Scripture, from Abraham to John of Patmos, and their words to life for readers today. Davis demonstrates once and for all that the church remains in need of prophetic interpreters for its own sake and for the world's." — William P. Brown, William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament, Columbia Theological SeminaryEllen F. Davis is the Amos Ragan Kearns Distinguished Professor of Bible and Practical Theology at Duke University Divinity School in North Carolina. She is the author of eight books and many articles, including Scripture, Culture, and Agriculture: An Agrarian Reading of the Bible and Wondrous Depth: Old Testament Preaching.